今天在 simon 桌上看到一張傳單,上面寫著『紅鼻子魯道夫』,聽說是很有名的故事,不過我竟然不知道。上 YouTube 查了一下他的影片,才發現這首歌真耳熟阿,以前都不知道原來這就是魯道夫的主題曲。
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
had a very shining nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it grows.
All of the other reindeer,
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve,
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then all the reindeer love him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
you'll go down in history!
──Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
這部以stop motion手法拍的小片,從1948年第一個8分鐘長的版本,到1964年的第一個動畫版,最有名的1976年版,1979年的夏季版,到2001年新版,轉眼間將近一甲子的光陰,裡頭有好幾首曲子到今天還是不斷傳唱的聖誕歌,包括"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"和"A Holly Jolly Christmas"。
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